
2017 Logo Design (inspired by The Ramones)

Issue #28 (2014)

Issue #29 (2015)

Issue #30 (2015)

Issue #31 (2016)

Issue #32 (2017)

Issue #33 (2018)


Outsider Magazine was an independent in-print fan-zine started in the early 2000’s. I became aware of this DIY magazine in October 2004, and subsequently appeared throughout issues for interviews, reviews and advertisements for my previous music project Martyr Art. In 2011, I was asked by the founder of the zine to create graphic design assets to assist in the development of more unique and cool visual elements as well as creating a landing page website.

In 2013, I became a co-creator of the brand as well as the official publisher. My responsibilities included rebranding, magazine layout, graphic and advertisement design, providing interviews and reviews, developing and maintaining a new website (including for the first-time ever, digital versions of the in-print magazine), working directly with web press printers and distribution of the magazines… usually delivering one fifth of the run (1,000 issues) in a single day. We had also booked many live music shows (a continuation dating back to 2005) as well as created a small imprint label, ZineScene Records.

In February 2019, I left Outsider Magazine and soon afterwards the brand itself expired. To this day, people still talk about Outsider Magazine and the positive impact it had on their lives and the underground music scene in the Hudson Valley. I’ve never taken credit for the creation of the magazine, though I’m very proud of the work I did as well as the people I’ve met and developed friendships with.

Imprint Label Logo (2017-2019)